Peter Wislocki secured an appointment from IGI (Irlandzka Grupa Inwestycyjna) to produce a feasibility study for the optimum extension of the Solaris shopping centre in Opole. Peter coordinated the work of a multidisciplinary design team, interfacing with a range of stakeholders including senior politicians and city officials, the media, community specialist groups and the wider public, working with the client and his advisors to produce a commercially optimised and politically desirable design solution.
Architectural solutions that deliver
The preferred design, which provided a basis for the planning authority’s re-zoning of the site and its surroundings, comprised a generous new public open space, creating Opole’s largest urban square, as well as a multi-level underground car park and approximately 10,000 sqm of new retail space. The project is being progressed under a PPP (Public Private Partnership) agreement, the negotiation of which was supported throughout by Peter and his colleagues.