

Zabrze Platan


Apsys / IVG


Peter Wislocki’s team was appointed by international fund managers IVG, in association with asset managers Apsys, to design a 10,000sqm extension to the Platan shopping centre in Zabrze, Silesia. Peter was responsible for producing several design options, and led the multidisciplinary design team which produced a design which has been adopted as a basis for the re-zoning and further development of the site.

Architectural solutions that deliver

Maximum added value was delivered through the systematic analysis of construction budgets, rent rolls and qualitative factors related to each of the numerous design variants. Peter’s team worked closely with retail market analysts and letting specialists, construction, fire safety and highways consultants, to ensure that the preferred design was commercially optimised and fully deliverable.


Concept design and rezoning completed in 2012. Construction due 2015-2016.


Jakub Wolnicki and Peter Wislocki were directors leading the design team at ESA.